Thursday, June 21, 2018
Violence in Holy Books Influence Human Life
Right now we can see that many violence in this world. An organization called
themselves ISIS (Islam State of Iraq and Syria) has shocked the world because of their
activities which want to make this world as the Moslem world. In the name of religion they
kill people, bombing cities, do war, do suicide bomb, suffer and hit people that have different
opinion, plunder bank and much more followed by shouts of Allahu Akbar which means God
is the greatest. The writer believe that the violence which written in the holy book that lead
many people or organizations – in this case is ISIS – to do violence which in various
conditions is allowed. ISIS itself claimed by international as a radical religion group, even
there are countries that mention them as a terrorism.
ISIS being the new and big problem for this world because ISIS known as a group
that has gruff interpretation about Moslem and use the violence to reach their purpose. For
this time, ISIS shares its action through propaganda by media. One of their cruel action is
allowed to attack women that is not Moslem. A woman that success to escape as a slave sex
of ISIS militan had shared her bad esperienced. She said that the men who raped her always
pray before he raped her. She always tried to told him that what he did was wrong, but he
said that it was right, because in Qoran its written that Moslem must attack the infidel. He
said that by raped her, he would be closer to God. From the case above, there are two aspects
which prove that violence in holy books is really influence in human life such as violence in
holy books lead people to do violence to another people and many people still do not
understand how to interpret the holy book.
The first aspect is violence in holy books lead people to do violence to another people.
Holy book is really influence in a religion because holy book itself is a guidance of what they
belief which contains history of God and His Prophet, God’s promises, religion norms, moral
values and many things that teach us how to be the good human. But, many stories in the holy
book show violence, physically and mentally. One of the example are martyr and jihad.
Martyr is come from Christian religion which means die for maintaining the truth. In the
bible, do martyr is survive in suffering and torture. But many people that misinterpret the
martyr itself, they think that martyr is an oblige to enter the paradise and martyr is an act to
kill religion enemies. But actually, to enter the paradise the christians do not need to be a
martyr. The second one is jihad, come from Moslem which means do war in the name of God
with all of the wealth and power. In Qoran, its written that people who do jihad may bring
their 70 family members to paradise, and in Moslem suicide bomb is one of jihad action. The
people who did suicide bom were never realized that what they did was also endangered
another people. For them, it is alright to hurt another people to reach their purpose.
The second aspect is many people still do not understand how to interpret the holy
book. For the first, people just know about their religion and know its holy book. And then,
they obtain a deep understanding and study carefully of the religion and holy book. After
that, they start to love that religion and be the extremist because of their misinterpret about
the religion and holy book itself. They do jihad in this era which is really far different with
jihad which written in holy book in century years ago. Sometimes many people never realize
the function of the holy book, so that they do the same like what that written in the holy book.
But actually the case is human need to know first why God made the holy book such as as the
guidance of life for human, to clear the problems that ever happened before, as the truth, as
the teaching and law, as the standard of comparison whether is right or wrong, as a warning
and miracle. From that function, people then interpret every teaching in the holy book and
reflect it to their life in this era. Because of many people still do not know how to interpret
the holy book, many violence happen in this world. They claimed that they found verses in
Qoran which correct violence actions. From that facts, we can analyze that ISIS interpreted
teaching from the Qoran is in textual not in contextual which is means if the Qoran is written
to kill the infidel, they will kill people that is not Moslem directly. They did not compare it
to this era, so that is why they did cruel action. Whereas they should comprehend the holy
book itself in the new era. The writer want to give example in how people should interpret
teaching that relate to what is written in holy book. In the Qoran its written that we must
remain our family and friends to pray but its not written how to do it properly. Now, let us
compare to this era that nowadays every mosque has speaker to remain people the pray times.
Qoran never mention speaker but finally people have many way to do God’s orders. Because
of that things I agree to omitted violence in holy book.
The point of this essay is violence in Holy books are influence human life such as
violence in holy books lead people to do violence to another people and many people still do
not understand how to interpret the holy book. The first aspect is violence in holy books lead
people to do violence to another people. One of the example are martyr and jihad. The people
who did suicide bom were never realized that what they did was also endangered another
people. For them, it is alright to hurt another people to reach their purpose. The second aspect
is many people still do not understand how to interpret the holy book. People interpreted
teaching from the Qoran is in textual not in contextual which is means if the Qoran is written
to kill the infidel, they will kill people that is not Moslem directly. They did not compare it
to this era, so that is why they did cruel action. Whereas they should comprehend the holy
book itself in the new era.
1. Fachrozi, I. (July, 21 2012). Pengertian Fungsi dan Tujuan Al-Qur’an. Retrieved
December, 6 2016 from the Irzan Fachrozi website:
2. Indo Minority Organization. (January, 12 2009). Jihad bagi Kristen dan Islam.
Retrieved December, 6 2016 from the Indo Minority website:
3. Indonesia Media. (July, 20 2015). Remaja Yazidi yang Melarikan Diri Kisahkan
Metode ISIS Latih Tentara Anak. Retrieved December, 6 2016 from the Indonesia
Media website: http://www.indonesiamedia.com/remaja-yazidi-yang-melarikan-diri-
4. Islam Lib. (September, 27 2015). Kekerasan dalam Kitab Suci. Retrieved December,
6 2016 from the Islam Lib website: http://islamlib.com/agama/yahudi/kekerasan-dalam-
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For the first, I want to explain about the Nato. NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an alliance of 28 member countries roug...
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