Thursday, June 21, 2018
In these current days there is something about the President of Amerika which
got many attention from netizen that is his skin which orange color. Netizen compare
Trump’s orange skin with carrot and make it to be news and even joke until its going viral
and controversial. If we look behind, actually Trump’s orange skin already being
controversial since his campaign for presidential election last year. Many people already
realized that he has different skin and started to compare it with pumpkin. Everybody knows
that pumpkin is a symbol of halloween. So, at the hallowen time people were going to make
Trump’s skin to be a joke, from “Pumpkin” to be “Trumpkin”. Actually, orange is not the
real Trump’s skin color. If we look behind futhermore, Trump had a normal skin like another
American white generally when he was young. He started to have this orange skin since 2000
but not really visible to be weird because its just look like the tanned skin generally, then in
2005 Trump already have this orange skin as a normal skin and its getting bright (orange)
until now. Many speculations of his orange skin such as too many eat carrots, tanning bed,
spray tanning, getting older, skin condition or disease and even incorrect of make up use. We
may never know the cause of his orange skin, but we can deduce the nearest color, and what
it means. From the color company, Pantone, analyse that the color of Trump’s skin get
Pantone 16 – 1499, named Gold Flame. Based on Wikipedia.org, “Pantone is a corporation
best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS), propietary color space used in a variety
of industries, primarily printing, though sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint,
fabric, and plastics.” Actually, there is no stronger explanation how colors can describe
people’s personality. However, the impact that colors have on our brains is used to
manipulate our decision making by multiple facets of society. So, in this essay the writer will
prove that Donald Trump is an orange, not only his skin but also his personality. There are
two points which the writer will discuss, such as the positive and negative of orange in
Trump’s personality.
The first point is the positive things of orange that owned by Donald Trump. Laurie
Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institut and the person who analyse
photographs of Trump found that Trump’s skin has a number of hues on a gradient ranging
from brown-toned orange to golden yellow: Burnt Orange, Desert Sun, Golden Orange,
Autumn Blaze, Orange Rust, and Burnt Ochre. For the final, she decided to pick Golden
Flame as Trump’s signature color. As the Pantone shade which closest to Trump, she said
that Golden Flame is a burnt orange that suggests “sturdiness, strength, and endurance,” as
well as “vibrancy and gregariousness.” Beside of the Pantone explanations, color psychology
studies also show that orange create several positive things such as increased socialization,
extroverted, stimulated mental activity, increased contentment, heightened sense of activity
and boost in aspiration. Now we just need to match up all of these positive things to Trump’s
personality to prove that he is the real orange. For the first we can say that he has sturdiness,
strength, and endurance in his field as a president and businessman. The evidence that he has
control on wealth is his business which can running successful until now and as a person who
moves in politic area, the most successful evidence is when he won the presidential election.
We also can say that he has gregariousness, increased socialization and extroverted since he
has many good relations start from the local area until international and as a president of the
biggest country surely he has many supporters out there.
The second point is the negative things of orange that owned by Donald Trump. The
color psychology said that there are also several negative things of orange such as causes
self-centered and self-serving qualities, including pride, fickle, arrogance, selfish and lack of
care for others. Now, let us match all of these negative things of orange to Trump personality.
The first one we will discuss that he is self-centered and self-serving qualities. One of the
news outlet, CNN, ever made an article which said how Trump obsessed himself at the
moment of presidential election, “American politics is littered with larger-than-life
personalities. But no presidential candidate in living memory has built campaign so
exclusively on the foundation of his own personal, brand, self-congratulatory rhetoric an life
story as Trump.” The quote proves how Trump wants to be look different and dominant.
Some people also said that his campaign was all talked about himself. Then, the next one is
Trump is arrogance and selfish. Some people said that because they know that Trump is
willing to say and do anything to achieve what he wants, with no regard for others which
also show him that he lack of care for others. For the example is in his presidential election
campaign he did racism to an ethnic group, that is Mexican.
The point of this essay is to prove that Donald Trump is an orange inside and outside
which refer to his skin and personality. The explanation above discuss that Trump is a real
orange since his personality is same with the analysis of Pantone Color Institut and
psychology color studies for the positive and negative things. From the positive things, it is
true that Trump has the personality of orange such as sturdiness, strength, endurance,
vibrancy, gregariousness, increased socialization, extroverted, stimulated mental activity,
increased contentment, heightened sense of activity and boost in aspiration. From the
negative things side, it is also true that Trump is an orange since he is self-centered and self-
serving qualities, including pride, fickle, arrogance and lack of care for others. By all of the
evidences which already being discuss above that all of Trump’s personality is match with
orange, we can hardly say and prove that Donald Trump is the real orange.
1. https://www.fastcodesign.com/3063462/what-pantone-color-is-donald-trump
2. https://www.google.co.id/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/06/02/politics/donald-trump-
3. https://www.colorpsychology.org
4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone
5. http://theundercurrent.org/is-donald-trump-really-selfish/
6. https://www.allure.com/story/why-is-donald-trump-orange
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For the first, I want to explain about the Nato. NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is an alliance of 28 member countries roug...
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