Yulia Nova

Friday, June 22, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
There is a quote by Henry Ford who says, “Be inspired, but don’t copy.”
Y8KHQY2DNAQ_AUIEigB&biw=360&bih=560#imgrc=eqGhO5Ooasoj-M:) Based on the quote, it tells us that we can inspired by other people’s creatures but we have to be more
creative. The quote is suitable with the things that the writer wants to analyze, namely
advertisement. Based on Merriam – Webster Dictionary, “Advertisement is something (such
as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a
product or to make an announcement.” The writer will analyze about advertisement from
same product and same company, but in different countries.
Make an advertisement is about make puns to attract people’s interest. To capture
people’s interest is not easy, because we should know their needs. Actually, people’s needs
must be different each other so it would be a challenge for advertisers to make advertisement
which can include everyone’s needs or they have to update their advertisements periodically
because we know that people’s needs must be always fluctuate depend on their situations. A
company definitely will make a different advertisements in different countries although the
product that its avdvertise is totally same. It is because the cultures in those countries are
different and the targets of the advertisements are also different. The writer will analyze
advertisements of a cheese product, namely The Laughing Cow which advertised in
Switzerland and England. First, the words which written in the product and the second is how
the way the advertise the product.
First, the words which written in the product. Even though it is the same product and
from the same company but actually there is a difference in its physically. In The Laughing
Cow cheese in Switzerland, there are words “Creamy Swiss”. For the example, “Original
Creamy Swiss”, “Light Creamy Swiss” and “Garlic & Herb Creamy Swiss” but none for The
Laughing Cow cheese in England, it is just “Mini Cravings Cheddar, Smoked Cheese, Blue Cheese”, “Mini Cravings Ham & Herb, Garlic & Herb, Three Cheese” and “Mini Cravings Onion, Goat Cheese, Salmon & Dill”. Based on “General Characteristic of The Swiss Market” article, Switzerland is a small country which best-known as the best export of chocolate and cheese. And for the Swiss themselves, cheese is their basic needs even their staple food. So, the explanation above tells us that by there are words “Creamy Swiss” in its product, Switzerland wants to assert that it uses their original cheese which famous and popular and also by using its own resource, it can increase its income.
from the same company but actually there is a difference in its physically. In The Laughing
Cow cheese in Switzerland, there are words “Creamy Swiss”. For the example, “Original
Creamy Swiss”, “Light Creamy Swiss” and “Garlic & Herb Creamy Swiss” but none for The
Laughing Cow cheese in England, it is just “Mini Cravings Cheddar, Smoked Cheese, Blue Cheese”, “Mini Cravings Ham & Herb, Garlic & Herb, Three Cheese” and “Mini Cravings Onion, Goat Cheese, Salmon & Dill”. Based on “General Characteristic of The Swiss Market” article, Switzerland is a small country which best-known as the best export of chocolate and cheese. And for the Swiss themselves, cheese is their basic needs even their staple food. So, the explanation above tells us that by there are words “Creamy Swiss” in its product, Switzerland wants to assert that it uses their original cheese which famous and popular and also by using its own resource, it can increase its income.
The second is how the way the advertise the product. In Switzerland, cheese is their
basic needs. Swiss eats cheese before, the moment and after eating and almost their cuisine
using cheese as the material. The Laughing Cow cheese advertisement in Switzerland
describe cheese as a snack which means it is relate to their culture that Swiss using cheese as
their snack. It is different with Britisher which do not use cheese as their basic needs.
Britisher populer with their traditional middle-class diet which they usually eat in the midday.
For some people, they eat cheese rarely. They more often to eat meats, fish, vegetables and
fruits because of their diet. That is why in the The Laughing Cow cheese advertisement in
England, they did clearly make the cheese itself as a snack or staple food and there are more
animation in that advertisement.
Based on explanation above, the point of this essay is cultures in a country will
influence a company to make advertisement in that country. To attract audiences’ interest,
advertisers have to find the suitable word, vision, and animation. What is written in the
product and how the advertisers advertise their product will influence the audiences’ mind. If
it is not match with the cultures and habits in one country, then it would be hard to attract
audiences’ interest.
1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o2WWwr5iTi4
1. Swiss – Serbian Chamber of Commerce. General Characteristics of The Swiss
Market. Retrieved October, 24 2017 from the Swiss – Serbian Chamber of
Commerce website: www.sscc.rs/swiss-market/general-characteristics-of-the-swiss-
2. City - Data Forum. England. Retrieved October, 24 2017 from the City - Data
Forum website: www.everyculture.com/Cr-Ga/England.html
Seorang pelatih, wanita berusia 30an, memasuki ruangan kaca diikuti oleh seorang gadis.
Pelatih tersebut memarahi si gadis karena waktu kejuaraan gymnastic akan dimulai dalam
hitungan hari, tetapi si gadis masih belum bisa melakukan gerakannya dengan sempurna.
(Musik menegangkan bermain)
Apa yang kamu lakukan? Kamu berharap menang dengan gerakan seperti itu? Jangan bermimpi!
Maaf, coach (dengan wajah menunduk)
Jika besok kamu belum bisa melakukan gerakanmu dengan sempurna, aku tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi padamu
Kamu tahu kan kalau kejuaraan ini menentukan masa depanmu? Tanpa medali emas kamu tidak
akan mendapatkan beasiswa itu.
Pelatih berjalan menuju ke arah si gadis dan berhenti tepat di depannya. Si pelatih menepuk pundak si gadis dengan tegas untuk memberinya semangat
Pikirkan apa yang akan terjadi pada keluargamu jika kamu gagal
Si gadis hanya bisa menunduk lesu, tak berani menatap sang pelatih. Dengan wajah memerah,
pelatih meninggalkan si gadis sendirian di ruang kaca tersebut.
Si gadis bertekad bahwa ia harus berlatih lebih keras dari sebelumnya. Ia menyambungkan
handphone miliknya ke sound speaker dan memasang musik kontemporer.
Aku pasti bisa. Aku sudah melakukannya sejak kecil. Menari adalah hidupku
(Musik lembut/ kontemporer mengalun)
Si gadis meyakinkan dirinya, menghadapkan dirinya ke kaca dan perlahan-lahan menggerakan
tubuhnya mengikuti alunan musik. Ia menyelesaikan gerakan pembukaan dengan sempurna, ia
tersenyum berpikir bahwa sepertinya latihan hari ini akan berbeda.
Sejauh ini sudah sangat baik. Selanjutnya harus lebih baik (tersenyum)
Memasuki gerakan klimaks, ia berjinjit di atas kakinya dan berputar ketengah ruangan. Berjinjit
dengan satu kaki membentuk point yang menumpu tubuhnya, perlahan-lahan ia mengangkat
satu kakinya kebelakang, tiba-tiba ia terjatuh. Ia bangkit, dan mengulangi gerakan tersebut,
namun hasilnya tetap sama. Kakinya gemetar, tidak kuat menumpu tubuhnya.
Ternyata hari ini sama saja dengan hari kemarin.
Dengan wajah bingung, ia termenung dan duduk, memikirkan apa yang salah pada dirinya. Dia
adalah seorang penari gymnastic profesional, memenangi kejuaraan dengan gerakan akrobatik
adalah pekerjaannya.
Apa yang terjadi?
(Musik sedih mengalun)
Di pojok ruangan, dengan baju sebesar dua kali ukuran tubuhnya, ia menelungkup memasukkan
kaki kedalam bajunya dan menunudukkan kepalanya kelututnya. Ia mulai menangis, menyesalkan nasibnya.
Lalu, seorang wanita dewasa yang merupakan asisten pelatih di studio tersebut memasuki
ruang kaca ingin memberikan kostum si gadis yang akan dipakai untuk kejuaraan nanti. Karena
merasa ada yang datang, si gadis mengangkat kepalanya. Wanita tersebut mendekati si gadis.
Asisten Pelatih
Apa yang kamu lakukan? Bukankah seharusnya kamu berlatih?
Aku sudah mencobanya, namun hari ini sama saja dengan hari-hari kemarin (dengan wajah memelas)
Asisten Pelatih
Kamu tetap harus mencoba. Jika Coach melihatmu seperti ini, ia akan bertambah marah
Sudah tidak ada harapan bagiku, coach (memasang wajah murung)
Asisten Pelatih
Sudahlah, lebih baik kamu coba dulu kostum ini. (menyerahkan kostum kepada si gadis)
Untuk apa dicoba? Aku tidak akan bisa pergi ke kejuaraan tersebut
Asisten Pelatih
Coba saja, mungkin dengan memakai kostum ini kamu akan lebih semangat untuk berlatih
Baiklah (mengambil kostum dan pergi ke ruangan kecil di pojok ruangan tersebut)
Kamu tetap harus mencoba. Jika Coach melihatmu seperti ini, ia akan bertambah marah
Sudah tidak ada harapan bagiku, coach (memasang wajah murung)
Asisten Pelatih
Sudahlah, lebih baik kamu coba dulu kostum ini. (menyerahkan kostum kepada si gadis)
Untuk apa dicoba? Aku tidak akan bisa pergi ke kejuaraan tersebut
Asisten Pelatih
Coba saja, mungkin dengan memakai kostum ini kamu akan lebih semangat untuk berlatih
Baiklah (mengambil kostum dan pergi ke ruangan kecil di pojok ruangan tersebut)
Saat menunggu si gadis mencoba kostumnya, asisten pelatih tersebut teringat sesuatu tentang
si gadis. Ia pun penasaran dan bertanya pada sang gadis
Asisten Pelatih
Sebenarnya apa yang kamu lakukan pada malam hari? Apa kamu kembali berlatih setiap malam di ruangan ini?
si gadis. Ia pun penasaran dan bertanya pada sang gadis
Asisten Pelatih
Sebenarnya apa yang kamu lakukan pada malam hari? Apa kamu kembali berlatih setiap malam di ruangan ini?
Apa? Aku tidak melakukan apa-apa pada malam hari (menjawab dari dalam ruang ganti)
Asisten Pelatih
Ah, kau ini. Jelas – jelas aku melihat wajahmu berkeliaran tadi malam (dengan nada menggoda)
Tapi, aku benar-benar tidak..
Asisten Pelatih
Aku mengerti bahwa kamu ingin sekali menyempurnakan gerakanmu, tapi kamu juga tahu
bahwa tubuhmu juga membutuhkan istirahat yang cukup.
Aku mengerti bahwa kamu ingin sekali menyempurnakan gerakanmu, tapi kamu juga tahu
bahwa tubuhmu juga membutuhkan istirahat yang cukup.
Asisten Pelatih
Selain itu, kamu juga tahu kan diatas jam 10 malam keluar dari kamar itu tidak diperbolehkan?
Aku tahu dan aku tidak pernah melanggarnya, coach
Asisten pelatih tersebut hanya tertawa ketika mendengar muridnya mengelak bahwa dia tidak
pernah keluar pada malam hari. Lalu, asisten pelatih tersebut kembali teringat akan sesuatu dan menanyakannya pada si gadis
Aku tahu dan aku tidak pernah melanggarnya, coach
Asisten pelatih tersebut hanya tertawa ketika mendengar muridnya mengelak bahwa dia tidak
pernah keluar pada malam hari. Lalu, asisten pelatih tersebut kembali teringat akan sesuatu dan menanyakannya pada si gadis
Asisten Pelatih
Tapi, ada yang aneh dengan dirimu ketika aku melihatmu tadi malam
Sudah kukatakan aku tidak pernah beraktifitas di malam hari coach (masih mengelak)
Asisten Pelatih
Mulutmu penuh sekali dan wajahmu penuh dengan remah-remah makanan
(Musik keras bermain)
Mendengar perkataan tersebut, si gadis keluar dari ruang ganti dan berlari dengan sangat
kencang ke tengah ruang kaca tersebut. Si gadis berdiri, menegakkan tubuhnya menghadap
samping. Matanya membulat besar melihat sesuatu yang janggal pada tubuhnya. Dengan
kostum gymnasticnya yang sangat ketat, benda tersebut benar-benar sangat menonjol.
Perutnya membuncit.
Apa yang terjadi padamu?
Oh, tidak
(Musik seram bermain)
Asisten Pelatih
Ada apa?
Penyakitku kambuh!
(memasang wajah bingung)
Saat depresi, aku akan mengalami gangguan pola makan.
Aku akan makan tanpa sadar saat tidur
In these current days there is something about the President of Amerika which
got many attention from netizen that is his skin which orange color. Netizen compare
Trump’s orange skin with carrot and make it to be news and even joke until its going viral
and controversial. If we look behind, actually Trump’s orange skin already being
controversial since his campaign for presidential election last year. Many people already
realized that he has different skin and started to compare it with pumpkin. Everybody knows
that pumpkin is a symbol of halloween. So, at the hallowen time people were going to make
Trump’s skin to be a joke, from “Pumpkin” to be “Trumpkin”. Actually, orange is not the
real Trump’s skin color. If we look behind futhermore, Trump had a normal skin like another
American white generally when he was young. He started to have this orange skin since 2000
but not really visible to be weird because its just look like the tanned skin generally, then in
2005 Trump already have this orange skin as a normal skin and its getting bright (orange)
until now. Many speculations of his orange skin such as too many eat carrots, tanning bed,
spray tanning, getting older, skin condition or disease and even incorrect of make up use. We
may never know the cause of his orange skin, but we can deduce the nearest color, and what
it means. From the color company, Pantone, analyse that the color of Trump’s skin get
Pantone 16 – 1499, named Gold Flame. Based on Wikipedia.org, “Pantone is a corporation
best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS), propietary color space used in a variety
of industries, primarily printing, though sometimes in the manufacture of colored paint,
fabric, and plastics.” Actually, there is no stronger explanation how colors can describe
people’s personality. However, the impact that colors have on our brains is used to
manipulate our decision making by multiple facets of society. So, in this essay the writer will
prove that Donald Trump is an orange, not only his skin but also his personality. There are
two points which the writer will discuss, such as the positive and negative of orange in
Trump’s personality.
The first point is the positive things of orange that owned by Donald Trump. Laurie
Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institut and the person who analyse
photographs of Trump found that Trump’s skin has a number of hues on a gradient ranging
from brown-toned orange to golden yellow: Burnt Orange, Desert Sun, Golden Orange,
Autumn Blaze, Orange Rust, and Burnt Ochre. For the final, she decided to pick Golden
Flame as Trump’s signature color. As the Pantone shade which closest to Trump, she said
that Golden Flame is a burnt orange that suggests “sturdiness, strength, and endurance,” as
well as “vibrancy and gregariousness.” Beside of the Pantone explanations, color psychology
studies also show that orange create several positive things such as increased socialization,
extroverted, stimulated mental activity, increased contentment, heightened sense of activity
and boost in aspiration. Now we just need to match up all of these positive things to Trump’s
personality to prove that he is the real orange. For the first we can say that he has sturdiness,
strength, and endurance in his field as a president and businessman. The evidence that he has
control on wealth is his business which can running successful until now and as a person who
moves in politic area, the most successful evidence is when he won the presidential election.
We also can say that he has gregariousness, increased socialization and extroverted since he
has many good relations start from the local area until international and as a president of the
biggest country surely he has many supporters out there.
The second point is the negative things of orange that owned by Donald Trump. The
color psychology said that there are also several negative things of orange such as causes
self-centered and self-serving qualities, including pride, fickle, arrogance, selfish and lack of
care for others. Now, let us match all of these negative things of orange to Trump personality.
The first one we will discuss that he is self-centered and self-serving qualities. One of the
news outlet, CNN, ever made an article which said how Trump obsessed himself at the
moment of presidential election, “American politics is littered with larger-than-life
personalities. But no presidential candidate in living memory has built campaign so
exclusively on the foundation of his own personal, brand, self-congratulatory rhetoric an life
story as Trump.” The quote proves how Trump wants to be look different and dominant.
Some people also said that his campaign was all talked about himself. Then, the next one is
Trump is arrogance and selfish. Some people said that because they know that Trump is
willing to say and do anything to achieve what he wants, with no regard for others which
also show him that he lack of care for others. For the example is in his presidential election
campaign he did racism to an ethnic group, that is Mexican.
The point of this essay is to prove that Donald Trump is an orange inside and outside
which refer to his skin and personality. The explanation above discuss that Trump is a real
orange since his personality is same with the analysis of Pantone Color Institut and
psychology color studies for the positive and negative things. From the positive things, it is
true that Trump has the personality of orange such as sturdiness, strength, endurance,
vibrancy, gregariousness, increased socialization, extroverted, stimulated mental activity,
increased contentment, heightened sense of activity and boost in aspiration. From the
negative things side, it is also true that Trump is an orange since he is self-centered and self-
serving qualities, including pride, fickle, arrogance and lack of care for others. By all of the
evidences which already being discuss above that all of Trump’s personality is match with
orange, we can hardly say and prove that Donald Trump is the real orange.
1. https://www.fastcodesign.com/3063462/what-pantone-color-is-donald-trump
2. https://www.google.co.id/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/06/02/politics/donald-trump-
3. https://www.colorpsychology.org
4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone
5. http://theundercurrent.org/is-donald-trump-really-selfish/
6. https://www.allure.com/story/why-is-donald-trump-orange
Debate Motion: As its member states, THW disband NATO
For the first, I want to explain about the Nato. NATO (the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization) is an alliance of 28 member countries roughly bordering the North
Atlantic Ocean. It includes Canada, the United States, Turkey and most members of the
European Union. NATO was established in the aftermath of World War II, originally with 12
members and the intention of binding together Western Europe in a defense alliance with the
United States and Canada to counter the Soviet Union and its satellite countries in Eastern
Europe (known as the Warsaw Pact). After the Soviet Union collapsed and the Warsaw Pact
unraveled, NATO expanded to include many Eastern European nations and even former parts
of the Soviet Union. The founding members of NATO signed the North Atlantic Treaty on
April 4, 1949. NATO's primary purpose was to defend member nations against a large
number of troops in pro-communist countries. The United States also wanted to maintain a
presence in Europe, to prevent a resurgence of military nationalism and foster political union.
In this way, NATO made the European Union possible. NATO’s essential purpose is to
safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.
Because of this purpose we disagree to disband NATO.
1) In political, NATO promotes democratic values and encourages consultation
and cooperation on defence and security issues to build trust and, in the long
run, prevent conflict. In military, NATO is committed to the peaceful
resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military capacity
needed to undertake crisis-management operations. These are carried out
under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty - NATO’s founding treaty - or under
a UN mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international
These both purpose is written in Nato website which is mean that they
oficially published their function as a organization in this world for its
member. From the political side, Nato is really useful as a liaison for the
countries under its shade. Nowadays, it is very difficult to build cooperation
one country to another countries, because of one and another things like worry
to be treated unfairly or rigged by another countries. For the example we can
see Freeport company, which is the cooperation between Indonesia and USA.
Freeport company is golden mine company which located in Papua island,
Indonesia. Indonesia realize that for this time USA takes all of the natural
wealth from Papua island, but there is nothing that Indonesia can do because
the agreement has been signed on a contract. From this example, we can say
that the NATO will avoid cooperation like that. Otherwise, teh NATO itself
will build trust between its countries. Every cooperation will treated fairly and
equally beneficial for its coutries. Besides it, Nato will also help its countries
with helpful solutions with prevent conflict. For the example, we can remeber
kosovo case. Kosovo lies in southern Serbia and has a mixed population of
which the majority are ethnic Albanians. Until 1989, the region enjoyed a high
degree of autonomy within the former Yugoslavia, when Serbian leader
Slobodan Milosevic altered the status of the region, removing its autonomy
and bringing it under the direct control of Belgrade, the Serbian capital. The
Kosovar Albanians strenuously opposed the move. During 1998, open conflict
between Serbian military and police forces and Kosovar Albanian forces
resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 Kosovar Albanians and forced 400,000
people from their homes. On 12 June 1998 the North Atlantic Council,
meeting at Defence Minister level, asked for an assessment of possible further
measures that NATO might take with regard to the developing Kosovo Crisis.
This led to consideration of a large number of possible military options. the
result of kosovo war is NATO is success to help kosovo civilian to get their
houses. This case tell us that NATO is really helpful in military side. So, that
is why we disagree to disband this orgaization.
2) NATO is a vital instrument to make the world safer
Nowadays, there are so many terrorism that can threaten every country in this
world. With the existence of NATO, the 28 countries which join this
organization may feel rather safer because NATO’s role in current era is to
fight against the terrorism. On 4 October 2001, once it had been determined
that the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington DC had come
from abroad, NATO agreed on a package of eight measures to support the
United States. NATO’s Counter-Terrorism Policy Guidelines focus Alliance
efforts on three main areas: awareness, capabilities and engagement. At the
Prague Summit, NATO leaders express their determination to deter, defend
and protect their populations, territory and forces from any armed attack from
abroad, including by terrorists. To this end, they adopt a Prague package,
aimed at adapting NATO to the challenge of terrorism. It comprises:
a Military Concept for Defence against Terrorism;
a Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAP-T);
five nuclear, biological and chemical defence initiatives;
protection of civilian populations, including a Civil Emergency
Planning Action Plan;
missile defence: Allies are examining options for addressing the
increasing missile threat to Alliance populations, territory and forces in
an effective and efficient way through an appropriate mix of political
and defence efforts, along with deterrence;
cyber defence;
cooperation with other international organisations; and
improved intelligence-sharing.
In addition, they decide to create the NATO Response Force, streamline the
military command structure and launch the Prague Capabilities Commitment
to better prepare NATO’s military forces to face new challenges, including
3) NATO has many roles to help its countries
Currently, NATO is operating in Afghanistan, Kosovo, the Mediterranean and
off the Horn of Africa. NATO is currently leading Resolute Support, a non-
combat mission which provides training, advice and assistance to Afghan
security forces and institutions. Resolute Support is a follow-on mission to the
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). ISAF was under NATO
leadership from August 2003 to December 2014. It was established under a
request for assistance by the Afghan authorities and by a UN mandate in 2001
to prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a safe haven for terrorists.
In addition, ISAF was tasked to develop new Afghan security forces and
enable Afghan authorities to provide effective security across the country in
order to create an environment conducive to the functioning of democratic
institutions and the establishment of the rule of law. NATO operations are not
limited only to zones of conflict. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
NATO immediately began to take measures to expand the options available to
counter the threat of international terrorism. In October 2001, it launched the
maritime surveillance Operation Active Endeavour, focused on detecting and
deterring terrorist activity in the Mediterranean. The operation was terminated
in October 2016 and was succeeded by Sea Guardian, a flexible maritime
operation able to perform the full range of maritime security operations tasks.
Sea Guardian is currently performing three tasks in the Mediterranean Sea:
maritime situational awareness, counter-terrorism at sea and support to
capacity-building. NATO is an active and leading contributor to peace and
security on the international stage. It promotes democratic values and is
committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic
efforts fail, it has the military capacity needed to undertake crisis-management
operations, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international
organisations. Because of that reason, we disagree to disband the NATO.
Violence in Holy Books Influence Human Life
Right now we can see that many violence in this world. An organization called
themselves ISIS (Islam State of Iraq and Syria) has shocked the world because of their
activities which want to make this world as the Moslem world. In the name of religion they
kill people, bombing cities, do war, do suicide bomb, suffer and hit people that have different
opinion, plunder bank and much more followed by shouts of Allahu Akbar which means God
is the greatest. The writer believe that the violence which written in the holy book that lead
many people or organizations – in this case is ISIS – to do violence which in various
conditions is allowed. ISIS itself claimed by international as a radical religion group, even
there are countries that mention them as a terrorism.
ISIS being the new and big problem for this world because ISIS known as a group
that has gruff interpretation about Moslem and use the violence to reach their purpose. For
this time, ISIS shares its action through propaganda by media. One of their cruel action is
allowed to attack women that is not Moslem. A woman that success to escape as a slave sex
of ISIS militan had shared her bad esperienced. She said that the men who raped her always
pray before he raped her. She always tried to told him that what he did was wrong, but he
said that it was right, because in Qoran its written that Moslem must attack the infidel. He
said that by raped her, he would be closer to God. From the case above, there are two aspects
which prove that violence in holy books is really influence in human life such as violence in
holy books lead people to do violence to another people and many people still do not
understand how to interpret the holy book.
The first aspect is violence in holy books lead people to do violence to another people.
Holy book is really influence in a religion because holy book itself is a guidance of what they
belief which contains history of God and His Prophet, God’s promises, religion norms, moral
values and many things that teach us how to be the good human. But, many stories in the holy
book show violence, physically and mentally. One of the example are martyr and jihad.
Martyr is come from Christian religion which means die for maintaining the truth. In the
bible, do martyr is survive in suffering and torture. But many people that misinterpret the
martyr itself, they think that martyr is an oblige to enter the paradise and martyr is an act to
kill religion enemies. But actually, to enter the paradise the christians do not need to be a
martyr. The second one is jihad, come from Moslem which means do war in the name of God
with all of the wealth and power. In Qoran, its written that people who do jihad may bring
their 70 family members to paradise, and in Moslem suicide bomb is one of jihad action. The
people who did suicide bom were never realized that what they did was also endangered
another people. For them, it is alright to hurt another people to reach their purpose.
The second aspect is many people still do not understand how to interpret the holy
book. For the first, people just know about their religion and know its holy book. And then,
they obtain a deep understanding and study carefully of the religion and holy book. After
that, they start to love that religion and be the extremist because of their misinterpret about
the religion and holy book itself. They do jihad in this era which is really far different with
jihad which written in holy book in century years ago. Sometimes many people never realize
the function of the holy book, so that they do the same like what that written in the holy book.
But actually the case is human need to know first why God made the holy book such as as the
guidance of life for human, to clear the problems that ever happened before, as the truth, as
the teaching and law, as the standard of comparison whether is right or wrong, as a warning
and miracle. From that function, people then interpret every teaching in the holy book and
reflect it to their life in this era. Because of many people still do not know how to interpret
the holy book, many violence happen in this world. They claimed that they found verses in
Qoran which correct violence actions. From that facts, we can analyze that ISIS interpreted
teaching from the Qoran is in textual not in contextual which is means if the Qoran is written
to kill the infidel, they will kill people that is not Moslem directly. They did not compare it
to this era, so that is why they did cruel action. Whereas they should comprehend the holy
book itself in the new era. The writer want to give example in how people should interpret
teaching that relate to what is written in holy book. In the Qoran its written that we must
remain our family and friends to pray but its not written how to do it properly. Now, let us
compare to this era that nowadays every mosque has speaker to remain people the pray times.
Qoran never mention speaker but finally people have many way to do God’s orders. Because
of that things I agree to omitted violence in holy book.
The point of this essay is violence in Holy books are influence human life such as
violence in holy books lead people to do violence to another people and many people still do
not understand how to interpret the holy book. The first aspect is violence in holy books lead
people to do violence to another people. One of the example are martyr and jihad. The people
who did suicide bom were never realized that what they did was also endangered another
people. For them, it is alright to hurt another people to reach their purpose. The second aspect
is many people still do not understand how to interpret the holy book. People interpreted
teaching from the Qoran is in textual not in contextual which is means if the Qoran is written
to kill the infidel, they will kill people that is not Moslem directly. They did not compare it
to this era, so that is why they did cruel action. Whereas they should comprehend the holy
book itself in the new era.
1. Fachrozi, I. (July, 21 2012). Pengertian Fungsi dan Tujuan Al-Qur’an. Retrieved
December, 6 2016 from the Irzan Fachrozi website:
2. Indo Minority Organization. (January, 12 2009). Jihad bagi Kristen dan Islam.
Retrieved December, 6 2016 from the Indo Minority website:
3. Indonesia Media. (July, 20 2015). Remaja Yazidi yang Melarikan Diri Kisahkan
Metode ISIS Latih Tentara Anak. Retrieved December, 6 2016 from the Indonesia
Media website: http://www.indonesiamedia.com/remaja-yazidi-yang-melarikan-diri-
4. Islam Lib. (September, 27 2015). Kekerasan dalam Kitab Suci. Retrieved December,
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